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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Private #1

Today was my first meeting with one of the instructors. It was turn-in time for assignments and I had them completed. We discussed my collage, what each of the entries meant and what they meant to me. We talked about the class last Saturday and I commented that it was like "yoga bootcamp". I also commented that I did the wrong asana and that was not goooood. But it was fine, she laughed about it!

My evolving sadhana was reviewed and we talked about chair yoga at work, breathing and many different aspects of yoga and meditation in my life as well as when to fit them in. Then I brought up the discussion of yoga and ego from Saturday; whew that was a tough one. I have been thinking about this since class. I recalled my childhood and my father and my constant self-esteem problems and always feeling that I had to work harder to earn love. It was haunting to me to remember that. Then we went on to spirituality and religion and my spiritual inclination and affiliation. Well, I don't have an "affiliation" but I know I am spiritual. It is manifested in my response to the reading assignments and yoga practice.

I learned 3 ways to do a headstand and life is good!! I was encouraged to say "I don't know that asana" and to get the props I need to be able to make an asana my own regardless of what everyone else is doing. All I have to be conscious of is me, no one else. This is my Yoga and my path.

Words of wisdom from my readings:
- Ahimsa: nonviolence. Ahimsa refers to not harming others. If you igmore this you deny the ultimate benefit of yoga which is everlasting happiness.
- Sri Brahananda:
  • Vocal injury is more serious than physical injury.
  • Mental injury is most serious.
  • Physical injury destroys only physical forms.
  • By vocal injury one can destroy both physical and mental forms.
  • By mental injury one can destroy even the form of spirit. Consequently, one will go to a lower transmigration.
The moral is: think many times before you speak once; vocal injury can destroy!!

Overall, it was a very enriching session. I learned new things, grew in my confidence and got to know the instructor a little more.

Sunday coming is our first group meeting/class from 1PM to 5PM. It will include some lecture, asana and exploration. I can't wait!!

More later.


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