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Monday, September 7, 2009


Through the week I have been thinking about my 2 assignments for this week. One is to create a collage of symbols which reflect me and the other is to describe my Sadhana [practice}. Well, the first assignment was easier to complete because I just have to look around my home and see the symbols which are important to me. These include
  • tranquility
  • balance
  • yin-yang
  • OM
  • Reiki Symbols
  • vegetarianism

So my board is multimedia; some acrylic paints, pencil, printed word, and other accents. A little bit of color and alot of meaning.

The second assignment, the sadhana, is a little more difficult for me. I haven't fully incorporated a home daily "practice" yet so it is hard to describe. I am getting better at it but there are days when I am able to get in only some meditation. This, I believe, is because I have not disciplined myself.

However, I would describe my evolving sadhana as awakening early, ~5:30AM, opening the blinds to let the light of the rising sun into the house, sitting quietly and focusing on my breathing and reciting a mantra. I do this for ~10-15 minutes then do some stretching or asanas to generate some energy and heat to get my body going. The total time in the practice is ~15 minutes, just enough to awaken my body.

In the evening, after work, I have my evening yoga practice which includes initial focused breathing, asana practice for ~25 minutes then 10 minutes in savasana. My asanas vary on a daily basis depending on how I feel and how my day went. Sometimes I need restorative poses, other days I need to generate heat and work hard. Regardless of what my daily practice includes, I always end with a savasana.

It is weird though, as I move through the asanas, and start to prepare for savasana, it seems like only a few moments. When I finish and re-emerge, 40 minutes have passed. I think this is because I am "being" in the asana, not just doing it. I have been trying to feel the pose and the subtle effects each one has on my muscles, breath, mental focus.

I try to journal on a daily basis but even that is somewhat sketchy. I actually feel like this blog is my journal.

Tomorrow I have my first "private session" with one of the instructors. I am kind of anxious about it but I know it will be fine!

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