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Friday, September 18, 2009

Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya

Well, since this is the time for ahimsa [non-harming], satya [truthfulness], and asteya [non-stealing], it has been a tough week.

First I injured myself on the very day we discussed non-harming. My ego, no doubt, because going further is the ego, not yoga. Then satya; you can't have ahimsa without satya [truthfulness]. So, first one has to practice non-injury in thought, word or deed before one can practice truthfulness. Satya is "speaking the unpleasant in a pleasant manner, to not cause harm in your speech".

Today I was focusing on ahimsa and satya as my yoga practice. It is hard to be compassionate and truthful without causing harm. I was in the midst of a potential conflict, my word versus a co-workers word, and I thought about saying "what do you want from me right now", per Ms. Lassater, but I could not do that because I felt that would be against ahimsa and cause more anger on her part because she was already defensive. So I acquiesced and said that it was worked out and no longer an issue. I guess that's ahimsa but is it satya??? Tough question...

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