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Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Well, it is the second to last week in June. I have completed my Kundalini Class trainings but still have the other requirement to complete. This includes participating in 20 classes [have 2 done] and attending White Tantric yoga [scheduled for October inKnoxville]. I feel pretty good about being where I am; I even have plans for teaching a workshop at my local Yoga studio. This is all very exciting, great opportunity to bring Kundalini yoga to the town of Hickory NC.

I suppose I am a pathfinder, a guiding light to help people find their light in life. The changes I experienced in my year of training are beyond what my wordsmithing can craft. I am lighter, more encouraged, more in the Neutral mind, and definitely more conscious of from which mind I am projecting.

Well the big date in November is approaching rapidly!!! November 29 is my appointment at the Italian Consulate in Philadelphia! Me and all the documents I have collected over the past 3 years! I am hopeful that they will accept it.

A photo of San Ginese, my Grandparents birthplace in Lucca, Tuscany!!

Lets see what else! Well I am on Day 108 of my 1000 day Sadhana! I meditate every day for 15 minutes [Shabd Kriya] in addition to my daily practice. Lately I have been doing Sat Kriya daily and now I am doing 7 minutes. I know, it does not sound like a long time but after 3-4 minutes my shoulders start telling me they are not happy tucked up there by my ears. But, I continue, breathing into them and relaxing the muscles helps to relieve the discomfort. I tell myself "keep up and I will be kept up".  So far this has worked.

I am teaching a class at he yoga Tree in Hickory on Saturday mornings at 9AM. I have usually 1-2 people in attendance but that it fine. Kundalini yoga is not mainstream in Hickory so I am very happy when one person arrives for class.

On October 20 I will be in Knoxville for White Tantric Yoga. It is a day-long meditation series to help clear the subconscious! This is another requirement for Kundalini Teacher Training so I am attending with a friend from my Training class! We will stay at an Ashram, sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag, and have an adventure of a totally different kind. I have some trepidation but I am sure this will be dispelled when we get started.

This past Wednesday I participated in a yoga class via Skype!! How cool is that? My Teacher from Chapel Hill is doing a series on "Rebirthing" and I really wanted to participate. So, I emailed her and asked about it and she was more than happy to prop me up in the studio! So I did! It was like being there. I have plans to participate in the next 3 classes so I am excited!! We can all use some "Rebirthing" to clear out the historical garbage from our minds:). This is my teacher:
Sacred Listener - HarDarshan Kaur Khalsa! check out the website for the class schedule

End of Trimester 2

Here I am on Friday night before class [Saturday morning] finishing up my assignments for the end of the trimester. I had to think about the qualities of a yoga instructor that are important, discuss how I grew through my yoga pose assignment, and complete the final exam.

These were very thought-provoking assignments. The final made me think not only about this trimester but the first one as well. I had to assimilate my thoughts, experience and growth of the past several months into the "now". It seems so simple, merge then with now. Well, it ain't so. It is deeper than that. It is not about thoughts, it's about assimilating my thoughts with actions with yogic beliefs and practices with who I am and how I live.

It sounds easy but practicing ahimsa, satya, asteya, bramacharya and aparagrapha is harder than I ever thought. It involves being conscious and aware of my every thought, action, and future plan and to do so within the yogic yamas. To then add practicing the niyamas [or restraints] really challenges our daily actions and beliefs.

It comes down to being here and now, accepting the fact that all things will pass.