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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Rainy Sunday

Today was my second Sunday yoga class, "Sunday Sadhana" at Heart Center Yoga. I had planned on a mix of some Yin yoga interspersed with a bit of Yang but it seemed like a "Yin" type of day! While we lingered in Yin asanas, we meditated on the many benefits of a daily sadhana. There was a touch of flow, humble warrior, and warrior flow. All in all, it was a "yummy" class as one participant stated.

My trip to France was wonderful, the weather in Paris was very hot but once we embarked on the Riverboat and started cruising down the Seine, it cooled off. We visited the Normandy beaches and many towns along the way, notable Rouen, Les Andeleys and others. The highlight, by far, was watching the Bastille Day fireworks over the Seine. We were fortunate to be in town for the show and I even recorded them on my little camera.

My daughter was home from Maine for a week. She left this Friday and drove back with her chum, Clayton. It is difficult to watch them grow up and witness their bumps and bruises.

I am anxiously awaiting my trip to Italy with Risica. We leave on October 23 and will be in Florence for 4 days. We then travel to Spannocchia for a Yoga, Hiking and Relaxation program in the Tuscan hills. While in Florence I hope to go to Lucca to the village of my mother's parents. I am in the process of collecting birth certificates and marriage documentation so I can obtain Italian citizenship. Seems my Mother's father never became an American citizen so I am eligible for Dual citizenship, very cool.

Om Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthi

1 comment:

  1. One of the best balance poses is Warrior III. Yoga guru Leeann Carey says that it’s also a great strength pose for the core. She has a free yoga video that shows some great prep poses for it that I thought your readers would like:
