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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day Reflection

Today is Mother's Day! Hard to believe that the first part of my "Motherhood" has flown so quickly. It will be 25 years in September since I had my first child! I don't believe she can believe it either. A few years later there was my second. So now, as you can compute, both girls are women now! Seems their youth took forever until they entered high school, then time went into accelerated mode and before I realized it they were graduating and moving onto greater changes.

I remember things like reading the same book over and over in the favorite rocking chair in their bedroom; looking for Easter eggs and not finding them until you could smell them; scary things like ER visits and wonderful things like splashing around in the surf and burying them in the sand. Now we ask about grades, college work, dorm room traumas and all other aspects of their life away from home.


The most curious thing is their view on having children! I remember when I was their age, I wanted children but not yet. So maybe, when their time is right, they will change their mind and really see what motherhood is. Maybe they will remember the wonderful things they experienced as children and want to share their memories and turn them into their children's reality.

The sad part is that I remember more happy times while they were growing up compared to my childhood. I only remember a few happy times from when I was a child; Christmas, going to the "shore" for the day, waiting for Nana to come from West Virginia with her big suitcase full of toys, and listening to Nana and my mother speak Italian.

 I soaked it in, wanting to learn it but my father would not allow that. I would sneak Nana's letters, written in Italian, and "read them". Her writing was beautiful, I still picture it in my mind. I knew then the greeting "Caro Pia and George" and "Come sta". I think my father's refusal of all things Italian is what made these memories so dear to me. Perhaps this is why obtaining my Dual Citizenship with Italy is an important goal.

Beautiful photo of Nana

Nana with Mom - on the right, the tall one!

 Aunt Virginia - the little one, lower left

Uncle Secondo - on the left

I don't know why Uncle Primo is not in the photo; probably working with Grandfather.

And the next photo is one of my favorites of my mother and Aunt Virginia!! Just beautiful

I know now where I got my gardening genes!

Enough of my Mother's Day story! "   Do what you love, Love what you do"