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Friday, April 8, 2011


Today I am thankful that it's Friday. Some weeks are long, others are interminable. This one falls in the "interminable" zone. This is partially because of work and partially because I am in the "dead vacation zone". Last day off of work was in February; next day off is not until Memorial Day. The time in-between is filled with 5-day work weeks. I know, it sounds like I'm a wimp. But, honestly, when you see clients all day and are surrounded by their energy, it gets old, real old, real fast.

My weekends are my salvation. I stay home, avoid the phone, don't go to the mall, don't go anywhere. This is my "recharge" time. I need this time to survive. It takes 2 days to wash off the energy I collect all week. It accumulates in my psyche, invades my neurons, affects my being. It's not that I am an isolationist; I am a survivor and this is the antidote to my job.

Today when I got home it was warm, sunny, breezy. I sat out on the patio and just sat. I listened, felt the breeze on my face, listened to the birds, the breeze. In MBSR it is "Conscious awareness meditation". It was a wonderful way to detox. Best part is I have 2 more days to recover, meditate, practice mindful yoga, and regroup.

Amen, thanks for weekends, meditation, and yoga.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Moving on

Ever had the feeling that the train was moving fast and you were hanging outside the door, one leg flailing in the wind? Worst of all, there is a train coming in the opposite direction and you can't pull yourself into the cab? Well, that is how I felt today. Life moves on, sometimes way too fast.

Just got a call from my daughters soon to be college in the Fall. "She needs a physical, did you submit FAFSA, has she made the room request, will she be bringing an automobile? Did you decide on the orientation date? You know school starts on September 6."

Well, frankly no. I had not thought of any of that lately. I have been in my suspended cocoon. The empty nest is looming in my future and I have chosen to ignore it for the present time. Is that bad? Come on, how many of you have been through this? Are these feelings and concerns normal? I think a resounding "yes" is in order.

So, now I am looking at this straight on. FAFSA must be sent, orientation has to be scheduled, school will start regardless of my denial. The house will be empty; she will be away. I will miss her, the dogs will miss her, Tom will not be the same. Should we rent her room? Never, that is her space, can't be filled by anyone else, nor can her sisters room.

We as parents hold the lease on their time as our child, in our home, raising them, instilling values. Then the lease runs out and we hope and pray that all we have inculcated in them holds up against the adversity of life.

So it goes on.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Back on The Mat

Well, finally I am able to do more asanas. I have been in Physical Therapy now for ~ 2 months [1 month in the real stuff]. So, last Saturday I attended my first "class" in quite a while. It was called "Yoga and Creativity". We did ~ 1 hour of yoga then learned about "VIsion Boards" and the Chakras which relate to creativity. After yoga we used the remainder of the class to build our own Vision Board! I took a picture and posted it on Facebook but here it is.

I especially like "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil". I case you can't see all the components here are the bits and the explanation:

"Break Free" - my desire to break free from my past chains; also I love the "I want to break free" song.

"Tibetan Prayer Flags" - to send good blessings to all people.

"Your Spirit" - we all have a spirit and interact with everyone else's spirit. May I always appreciate your spirit.

"Italy - Tuscany" - to celebrate my heritage and my work to obtain Dual citizenship in honor of my grandfather Emilio Dalporto.

"The Recycle Symbol" - to continue to honor the environment by conservation and generating minimal traces of my life on earth.

"The Beatles" - I love them and music makes me happy. 

'It's good to be" - because it is good to be where you are when you are. Most importantly to be in the moment and let the rest go.

"Inside out" - may my philosophical and spiritual beliefs be reflected in all I do and say.

"Start Your Day right" - every day, every moment is new. A reminder that every day is a new start and morning blessings include meditation, yoga, Lemon Tea and blessings.

"Live Well" - encompasses all of the above.

So naturally after class I had to research the creativity aspect myself and here are some interesting factoids I found while googleing the topic "Chakras and Creativity". From:

Chakra Six: Ajna

Light, Archetypal identity, oriented to self-reflection

This chakra is known as the brow chakra or third eye center. It is related to the act of seeing, both physically and intuitively. As such it opens our psychic faculties and our understanding of archetypal levels. When healthy it allows us to see clearly, in effect, letting us “see the big picture.”

Chakra Five: Vishuddha  

Sound, Creative identity, oriented to self-expression

This is the chakra located in the throat and is thus related to communication and creativity. Here we experience the world symbolically through vibration, such as the vibration of sound representing language

Chakra One: Muladhara

Earth, Physical identity, oriented to self-preservation

Located at the base of the spine, this chakra forms our foundation. It represents the element earth, and is therefore related to our survival instincts, and to our sense of grounding and connection to our bodies and the physical plane. Ideally this chakra brings us health, prosperity, security, and dynamic presence.

 I am attending classes on "Mindfullness Based Stress-Reduction" class. We have had 3 so far and Tuesday night we have class number 4. I have noticed subtle changes in my interactions with people and my thought patterns. The weirdest thing is that in the past couple of weeks I have lost hings; an earring, the top to my water bottle, and my string of pearls. After realizing the loss, I was upset but "just let it go". I have since received back the earring, bottle top and Pearls. How weird is that?? 

On the home front, Hannah is completing pre-work for college; this freaks me out. But, then one day on the way to work I started to realize that when we have children we have a "kids lease". We have them until 18 when the lease runs out. Then we make the choice: pay forward on the lease with them home or in college. So I guess our lease will continue. I am grateful that our lease has been relatively trauma free, other than some ER visits. No drugs, arrests, etc. I think we did pretty well.
